芯片通过 Flash, Vector Tracking 或采样保持逐次逼近法技术计算角度位置. 细分器能提供 A/B/Z 增量式信号 (编码器正交输出) 或 BiSS / SSI / SPI 接口 (如芯片有绝对位置数据功能)。
8位正余弦波插补细分芯片, 带 RS422 线驱动器
- Real-time tracking, no-missing-code interpolation
- Selectable interpolation factors: x1, x2, x5, x10, x20, x25, x50
- 100 kHz input frequency at highest resolution
- Differential and single-ended PGA inputs for voltage or current signals
- Signal conditioning for offset, amplitude and phase
- Controlled 50 mA current source as LED or MR bridge supply
- Encoder quadrature output via short-circuit-proof 20 mA push-pull line drivers (RS422)
- Fail-safe counting assured by a guaranteed minimum phase distance
- Index signal generation at selectable positions with adjustable length
- Sub-system power switch offers reverse polarity protection for the overall system
- Loss-of-signal indicator
- Optical and magnetic position sensors
- Rotary encoders
- Linear encoders
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26位游标编码器芯片, 带3通道14位正余弦波插补细分
- Fast 14-bit sine-to-digital conversion within 3 μs
- Simultaneous sampling of 3 channels
- 2 or 3 track nonius calculation of up to 26 bit singleturn position
- SPI interface and fail-safe RS422 transceiver for BiSS C, SSI
- Differential 1 Vpp sin/cos outputs to 100 Ω, short-circuit-proof
- Differential and single-ended PGA inputs for up to 200 kHz
- Adjustable signal conditioning for offset, amplitude and phase
- Input signal stabilization by LED or MR bridge current control
- Serial 2-wire interface to multiturn sensors (BiSS, SSI, 2-bit)
- Signal and system monitoring with diagnosis memory
- CRC-protected configuration, OEM and USER data from external EEPROM (I2C)
- Reverse-polarity-proof and tolerant against faulty output wiring
- Power-good switch protecting the peripheral circuitry
- Optical and magnetic position sensors
- Multi-channel sine-to-digital converter
- Singleturn and multiturn absolute encoders
- Linear scales for absolute position
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可编程9位正余弦波插补细分芯片, 带 RS422 失效保护线驱动器
- No-latency sine-to-digital conversion to 400 angle steps
- 200 kHz input frequency for interpolation factors of x1 to x5 (10 kHz for x100)
- Flexible I/O pin configuration due to signal path multiplexers
- PGA inputs for differential and single-ended voltage/current signals
- Signal conditioning for offset, amplitude and phase
- Controlled 50 mA current source as LED or MR bridge supply
- Fault-tolerant RS422 line drivers to 50 mA
- Quadrature signals with selectable min. phase distance for glitch free counter control
- Index signal processing with adjustable position and length
- Supply monitoring with power switch for reverse polarity tolerant systems
- Excessive temperature protection with sensor calibration
- Signal and operation monitoring with programmable alarm output, driver shutdown and error memory
- Optical and magnetic position sensors
- Rotary encoders
- Linear encoders
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功能安全13位采样保持正余弦插补细分器, 带单片机接口
- Triggered 13-bit sine-to-digital conversion within 2 μs
- Precision PGA for differential and single-ended signals of up to 500 kHz
- Voltage or current input mode with signal monitoring
- Adjustable signal conditioning for offset, amplitude, and phase
- Input signal stabilization through LED or MR bridge current control of up to 50 mA
- 8-bit parallel and serial I/O interfaces (BiSS, SSI, and SPI) with separate low-voltage supply
- Absolute data interface (ADI: BiSS/SSI) for initialization
- For position data of up to 50 bit with adjustable singleturn/multiturn data length
- Position data preset using ST/MT offset registers
- 12-bit A/D converter for temperature sensing
- Special functions for safety applications (signal monitoring, sign-of-life counter, and extended CRC)
- Current-limited, differential 1 Vpp sine/cosine outputs to 100 Ω
- Device configurable through I/O interfaces or a serial EEPROM
- Single-sided 5 V operation from -40 to +125 °C
- Fast position decoding for safety-oriented encoder systems
- Motor feedback systems
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13位信号调节插补细分器, BiSS-C 接口
- Resolution of up to 8,192 angle steps per sine period
- Count-safe vector follower principle, real-time system (conversion time 250 ns) with 70 MHz sampling rate
- Input frequency of up to 250 kHz
- Signal conditioning for offset, amplitude and phase
- A/B quadrature signals of up to 2 MHz with adjustable minimum transition distance
- Zero signal processing, adjustable in index position and width
- Absolute angle output via fast serial interface (BiSS, SSI)
- Period counting with up to 24 bits
- Error monitoring of frequency, amplitude and configuration
- Interpolator IC for angle resolution from sine/cosine sensor signals
- Optical encoders
- MR sensor systems
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更多信息关于 iC-NQC (iC-Haus 英文网站)
13位信号调节插补细分器, 2-wire 接口
- Resolution of up to 8,192 angle steps per sine period
- Count-safe vector follower principle, real-time system (conversion time 250 ns) with 70 MHz sampling rate
- Input frequency of up to 250 kHz
- Signal conditioning for offset, amplitude and phase
- A/B quadrature signals of up to 2 MHz with adjustable minimum transition distance
- Zero signal processing, adjustable in index position and width
- Serial output of absolute angle data at clock rates of up to 10 MHz
- Period counting with up to 24 bits
- Error monitoring of frequency, amplitude and configuration
- Interpolator IC for angle resolution from sine/cosine sensor signals
- Optical encoders
- MR sensor systems
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6位正余弦Flash转换器, 引脚选择性配置插值至16倍
- Fast flash converter
- Selectable resolution of up to 64 steps per cycle and up to 16-fold interpolation
- Integrated instrumentation amplifiers with adjustable gain
- 200kHz input frequency with the highest resolution
- Incremental A QUAD B output of up to 3.2 MHz
- Integrated glitch filter
- Reversed A/B phase selectable
- Index signal processing with half cycle index output
- Pin-configurable
- Angle interpolation from sine/cosine input signals
- Linear and rotary encoders
- MR sensor systems
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6位正余弦Flash转换器, 引脚选择性配置插值至16倍 (半周期指数)
- Fast flash converter
- Selectable resolution of up to 64 steps per cycle and up to 16-fold interpolation
- Integrated instrumentation amplifiers with adjustable gain
- 200kHz input frequency with the highest resolution
- Incremental A QUAD B output of up to 3.2 MHz
- Integrated glitch filter
- Reversed A/B phase selectable
- Index signal processing
- Pin-configurable
- Angle interpolation from sine/cosine input signals
- Linear and rotary encoders
- MR sensor systems
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可编程12位正余弦波插补细分芯片, 带 RS422 线驱动器
- Latency-free sine-to-digital conversion of up to 4000/4096 angle steps
- Input frequency: 500 kHz (x10), 80 kHz (x100), 8 kHz (x1000)
- Flexible pin assignment due to signal path multiplexers
- PGA inputs for differential and single-ended signals
- Variable input resistance for current/voltage conversion
- Signal conditioning for offset, amplitude and phase
- Controlled 50 mA current source for LED or MR sensor supply
- Fault-tolerant RS422 output via adjustable drivers (up to 50 mA)
- Glitch-free due to guaranteed minimum edge distance
- Zero signal conditioning and electronic index pulse generation
- Signal and operation monitoring with configurable alarm output, output shutdown and error storage
- I2C multimaster interface for in-circuit calibration and parameters (EEPROM)
- Adjustable overtemperature alarm and shutdown
- Supply from 4.3 to 5.5 V, operation from -40 to +100 °C
- Reverse-polarity-proof including the sub-system
- Optical and magnetic position sensors
- Linear scales
- High-resolution angle sensing
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10位正余弦插补细分器, 带自动校准
- Differential PGA inputs for sine, cosine, and index
- 700 kHz input frequency at full resolution
- AB output frequency of up to 12.5 MHz
- Automatic compensation of amplitude, offset, and phase errors
- Low latency (typ. 1.5 μs)
- Differential RS422 line driver outputs for ABZ or UVW
- Simultaneous single-ended outputs for ABZ and UVW
- Digital filtering for ultra-low output jitter
- Configured by pins or SPI
- In-field re-configuration via Encoder Link interface
- Easy to use with built-in line driver, EEPROM, and oscillator
- Push-button automatic calibration for fast commissioning
- LED intensity control by PWM output
- 10-bit angle data and 14-bit multi-cycle counter available to SPI
- Single 3.3 V supply
- Rotary and linear encoders
- Magnetic or optical sin/cos sensor interface
- Brushless motor commutation (2...64 poles)
- Embedded motion control
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26位编码器处理器, 带细分器和 BiSS 接口
- Any output resolution with any input resolution
- Independently-programmed ABZ, UVW, and BiSS resolutions
- Absolute data interface for external revolution counters
- BiSS C-Mode interface (Encoder Profiles 3, 3S, and 4)
- 26-bit single-turn position and 32-bit revolution count via SPI
- Four capture registers for coded reference marks and touch-probe applications
- Eccentricity compensation
- Input frequency up to 700 kHz
- AB output frequency of up to 12.5 MHz
- Differential RS422 line driver outputs for ABZ or UVW
- Simultaneous single-ended outputs for ABZ, UVW, BiSS
- Automatic compensation of amplitude, offset, and phase errors
- Digital filtering for ultra-low output jitter
- Encoder Link interface for in-field re-configuration
- Internal EEPROM and oscillator
- LED intensity control by PWM output
- Low latency (2.4 μs or 5.0 μs)
- Pin-compatible with iC-TW28
- Rotary and linear incremental or absolute encoders
- Magnetic or optical sin/cos sensor interface
- Brushless motor commutation (2...64 poles)
- Embedded motion control
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更多信息关于 iC-TW29 (iC-Haus 英文网站)
16位正余弦插补细分器, 带自动校准
- Input frequency of up to 125 kHz
- Differential sine/cosine input signal range of 20 mV to 1.4 V peak-peak
- Binary/decimal interpolation factors from x0.25 to x16384
- Post-AB divider [1/1 to 1/32] allows fractional resolution
- Simple automatic one-pin calibration
- Easy configuration: by static pins (for generic ABZ output)
- Advanced configuration: 1-wire interface, 3 and 4-wire SPI (32 MHz), serial I²C EEPROM
- PWM or ABZ quadrature encoder output signals
- Incremental ABZ output to 8 MHz (32 MHz edge separation)
- Position and velocity read-out (32 bit SPI)
- Sophisticated error handling and signal monitoring
- Static 64 position LUT to compensate for arbitrary sensor distortions
- Supply voltage range of 3.1 V to 5.5 V
- Sine/cosine interpolation
- Signal conditioning with auto calibration
- Linear and rotary encoders
- Flexible incremental encoder systems
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