24 V, 5V 线驱动器芯片
iC-Haus 线驱动器iC在工业控制系统驱动编码器信号过长线。
24V线驱动器转换逻辑电平到24V,降低信号对工业环境干扰敏感度。iC-Haus 也推出一款6通道5V线驱动器带 Encoder Link,成为超灵活接口:提供模拟旁路,BiSS组网模式等等。
iC-Haus 线驱动器芯片:
- 6 current-limited and short-circuit-proof push-pull drivers
- Differential 3-channel operation
- Power supply range from 4 to 40 V
- Integrated 30 to 140 Ohm line adaptation
- Low output saturation voltage
- Compatible with TIA/EIA standard RS-422
- Tristate switching enables use in buses
- Short switching times and high slew rates
- Schmitt trigger inputs compatible with TTL and CMOS levels, voltage-proof up to 40 V
- Thermal shutdown
- 24 V control engineering
- Line driver in a PLC environment
- Linear and rotary encoders
- MR sensor systems
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更多信息关于 iC-DL (iC-Haus 英文网站)
4通道差分线驱动器, 引脚兼容xx2068
- Complementary short-circuit-proof push-pull driver stages for RS422 and 24 V applications up to 2MHz
- Pin-compatible with xx2068
- Integrated line adaptation for high signal quality at 24V
- Moderate slew rate reduces EMI
- High driving capability of typically 200mA at 24V
- Output saturation of just 0.3 V at 40 mAdc
- Tristate function with excessive temperature
- Error messaging with excessive temperature and undervoltage
- TTL-/CMOS-compatible Schmitt trigger inputs, voltage-proof to 40 V
- Tristate function for bus applications
- Integrated 5 V voltage regulator for 5mA
- 4.5 to 35 V single supply operation with low static power dissipation
- Line drivers for 24 V control engineering
- Linear scales and encoders
- Sensor systems
下载 iC-HD2 的技术文档
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更多信息关于 iC-HD2 (iC-Haus 英文网站)
4通道差分线驱动器, 引脚兼容xx7272和26LS31
- Complementary short-circuit-proof push-pull driver stages for RS422 and 24 V applications up to 2MHz
- Pin-compatibel with 26LS31, xx7272
- Integrated line adaptation for high signal quality at 24V
- Moderate slew rate reduces EMI
- High driving capability of typically 200mA at 24V
- Output saturation of just 0.3 V at 40 mAdc
- Excessive temperature shutdown
- TTL-/CMOS-compatible Schmitt trigger inputs, voltage-proof to 40 V
- Tristate function for bus applications
- 4.5 to 35 V single supply operation with low static power dissipation
- Line drivers for 24 V control engineering
- Linear scales and encoders
- Sensor systems
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更多信息关于 iC-HD7 (iC-Haus 英文网站)
- Complementary short-circuit-proof push-pull driver stages for RS422 and 24 V applications up to 2MHz
- SO14N package pin-compatible to ET9600
- Integrated line adaptation for high signal quality at 24V
- Moderate slew rate reduces EMI
- High driving capability of typically 200mA at 24V
- Output saturation of just 0.3 V at 40 mAdc
- Tristate function with excessive temperature
- TTL-/CMOS-compatible Schmitt trigger inputs, voltage-proof to 40 V
- Tristate function for bus applications
- 50 mA LED driver with ISET input for current control
- 4.5 to 35 V single supply operation with low static power dissipation
- Line drivers for 24 V control engineering
- Linear scales and encoders
- Sensor systems
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更多信息关于 iC-HE (iC-Haus 英文网站)
6通道 RS-422 Encoder Link (编码器连接) 线驱动器/接收器
- Versatile 3+3 channel RS-422 line driver/receiver
- Pin-configured as driver (6x) or driver/receiver (3x/3x or 4x/2x)
- Supports BiSS bus structure and BiSS bus loopback
- Unique Encoder Link mode: analog switches to bridge 9 lines
- Differential short-circuit-proof push-pull outputs
- Driving capability of 30 mA typ. at 3 V
- Reduced EMI due to output current limitation
- Output shutdown with undervoltage and overtemperature
- Suits various line impedances, allows 100 Ohm termination
- Up to 10 MHz input/output frequency
- Reverse-polarity-proof operation from 3.0 V to 5.5 V
- Differential cable driver
- Motion control encoders
- Control engineering
- Sensor bus structures with BiSS
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更多信息关于 iC-HF (iC-Haus 英文网站)
3通道差分线驱动器, 低耗功能
- 6 current-limited and short-circuit-proof push-pull drivers
- Differential 3-channel operation
- Power supply range from 4 to 40 V
- Integrated 30 to 140 Ohm line adaptation
- 200 mA output current (at VB = 24 V)
- Low output saturation voltage (< 0.4 V at 30 mA)
- Compatible with TIA/EIA standard RS-422
- Tristate switching enables use in buses
- Short switching times and high slew rates
- Schmitt trigger inputs compatible with TTL and CMOS levels, voltage-proof up to 40 V
- Thermal shutdown
- Low static power dissipation, Dynamic power dissipation reduced with iC-xSwitch
- Line driver for 24 V control engineering
- Linear scales and rotary encoders
- MR sensor systems
下载 iC-HX 的技术文档
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更多信息关于 iC-HX (iC-Haus 英文网站)
3通道差分线驱动器, 24V互补输出
- Driver supply voltage of 4.5 to 30 V
- Push-pull driver current-limited and short-circuit-proof
- Programmable driving capability of 30 mA or 100 mA
- Integrated freewheeling diodes
- TTL-/CMOS-compatible hysteresis inputs with pull-up current sources
- Selectable input reference level
- Thermal shutdown
- Line driver for 24 V control engineering
下载 iC-VX 的技术文档
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更多信息关于 iC-VX (iC-Haus 英文网站)
3通道 75 Ω 线驱动器用于 RS422 和 24 V 应用
- Driver supply voltage of 4.5 to 30 V
- Push-pull driver current-limited and short-circuit-proof
- Guaranteed driving capability of 30 mA
- Integrated cable adaptation with thermal protection
- Tri-state and invert mode
- TTL-/CMOS-compatible hysteresis inputs with pull-up sources
- Meets EIA standard RS422 (with two iCs used)
- Error output with thermal shutdown and low voltage
- 24 V signal transfer
- Line driver in a PLC environment
下载 iC-WE 的技术文档
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更多信息关于 iC-WE (iC-Haus 英文网站)